Missouri Valley District

A Community of Transportation Professionals

Membership, Affiliate Membership, and Student Membership:

Members are those persons who are Institute members as specified in the District Charter.

Students are those persons who are either members in good standing of a Student Chapter of ITE or enrolled in a course or courses related to transportation engineering in an engineering college of recognized standing at which there is no Student Chapter of ITE and whose interest in transportation engineering has been certified thereto by the faculty member in charge of transportation engineering courses at the college are eligible for student membership.

If you are planning to be a professional in the areas of transportation engineering, planning, data analytics and science, automated vehicles, safety and management, etc. being an ITE student member will be a great investment in your future. You will learn about the transportation industry and profession and develop skills so you can succeed as a transportation professional.  As a student, in order to become a student member of ITE and MOVITE  you must be a full time student in a graduate or undergraduate program at a school of recognized standing and not be otherwise eligible for another grade of membership. FULL TIME STUDENTS CAN JOIN ITE AND MOVITE FOR FREE!

Membership into MOVITE is automatically processed with the membership application to ITE.  Also, membership dues are automatically collected by ITE for your MOVITE membership.

Any Institute member of any grade may join the District even though the member does not reside in the District area as specified in the District Charter. Membership will not be solicited by the District from the membership of other Districts.

Life Membership

Any MOVITE District Member or Affiliate in good standing who has reached the age of 60 years, may, by Executive Board action, have all future annual dues paid and be recognized at the annual meeting if the following requirements are met:

(A) MOVITE District Member – Member has paid ITE dues for a minimum of 15 years and has been a member of MOVITE for a minimum of five years, including the current year.

(B) MOVITE District Affiliate – Affiliate member has paid dues to MOVITE for a minimum of 15 years, including the current year.

A Certificate of Recognition is presented at the annual meeting to newly elected Life Members.

Do you qualify to be a Life Member? Contact the current President to be recognized.

Membership Growth

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